Myth: Physical Therapy is only for Injuries and Accidents
Physical therapists do a lot more than just stretch or strengthen weak muscles after an injury or surgery. They are skilled at evaluating and diagnosing potential problems before they lead to more-serious injuries or disabling conditions from carpal tunnel syndrome or a frozen shoulder to chronic headaches or lower-back de da da dasas sdaasdjnasd sandkasnlnasd lasndslanldsn lskndlsam lsandpas aslksamdsan lsakdnsañkdnasñ sakdnsasañndnsa dsadknsañkdnsamdsañ dsañkdmsañmdsma dsañd sañmd sañlmds adñsa dñls amdsañdñsa dsañ d sñalmdsadnnsakld ds nkadknsd sadlsa dksnad sadksnad as d ç